
Implant or treatment?

So what to choose between root treatment or an implant is the question.
In short, an implant is the best way to replace a tooth that an endodontist, a doctor
The endodontist, the doctor who specializes in root canal treatment, for reasons beyond his control, can’t
can’t save.
Why can’t an endodontist save all teeth?
Let’s start with the fact that the doctor is not God, but man and there are things that are beyond his control. There are times when a tooth is treated
with the most advanced protocols, but the patient’s body doesn’t respond to the treatment. This kind of thing
it happens in all medicine.
It is also very important to come in for a consultation before treatment begins. A consultation is a short
visit during which the tooth and its surrounding tissues are examined, a fresh X-ray is taken and a
Verdict – is it worth spending time on this tooth or is it better to go straight to the implantologist, the doctor who
removes the tooth and replaces it with an implant.
The tooth should not be treated mainly for three reasons:
– There is very little of the tooth left of its own tissues and any crown will not hold on it in the future
– Very poor gum health, which is also a contraindication for implants.
– X-ray of the tooth and surrounding tissues. X-rays show hidden problems and some
The X-rays show hidden problems and some of them modern medicine hasn’t figured out how to solve yet.