Even the best home oral care does not thoroughly remove plaque. It is particularly difficult to remove plaque from hard-to-reach places. Neither traditional nor modern electric toothbrushes do the job thoroughly. Plaque that builds up on the teeth over time becomes tartar. While you can try to fight soft tartar with a simple method, it is not possible to remove tartar at home.
Tartar deposits damage the enamel of the teeth, and the teeth cannot absorb the minerals. They also create a cavity between the gum and the tooth, where pathogenic bacteria can actively multiply. The latter increases the risk of tooth decay, periodontitis and other dental and gum diseases. This is why the experts at the Micropatient Clinic decided to talk in this article about the difference between oral care, i.e. cleaning, in the clinic and how it differs from home care and when it should be done.
Professional cleaning is the removal of plaque and tartar from teeth. It is a set of mechanical and automated procedures involving the use of different tools, instruments and equipment. Professional teeth cleaning is the best way to prevent dental diseases, keep your teeth beautiful and healthy. Clinical cleaning also solves other problems:
- Cleaning the area between teeth and gums.
- Removing pigmentation from tobacco, coffee, black tea and wine.
- Polishing: smoothing the surface of the teeth, which slows the formation of tartar.
- Strengthening the enamel, as professional cleaning ends in mineralisation.
The dental hygiene procedure is painless and fast. Therefore, in most cases, anaesthesia is not necessary. Only if the gums are inflamed or the teeth are decayed, local anaesthesia may be used to reduce the discomfort associated with the manipulation. A big advantage of a visit to the dentist is that the dentist can accurately assess the condition of the mouth.
Dental plaque and tartar are removed, which allows the dentist to better perform a thorough oral examination and detect problems at an early stage.
The Mikroravi clinic, like other modern dental centres, uses a range of effective equipment. Among the equipment used are:
– Ultrasonic teeth cleaning.
The ultrasonic equipment is used to clean teeth. The procedure is painless and safe. Ultrasonic cleaning does not damage the hard tissues. In addition, ultrasound disinfects the oral cavity and reduces the risk of gingivitis.
– Denture cleaning (Air-flow soda cleaning)
The dental device is used to remove dental plaque and tartar. It is also used to polish teeth. Cleaning involves spraying a powerful mixture of water, air and soda onto the tooth surface. This leads to the destruction of the deposits. This cleaning method is very effective. The oral hygienist selects the intensity and the level of abrasion of the pearly powder according to the condition of the patient’s mouth. The dentist supervises the procedure, which eliminates the risk of injury and complications.
– Mechanical teeth cleaning.
This method is decades old. And although new methods have come along, dentists are not ready to give up mechanical techniques. This is because it is effective and relatively safe. When there is a lot of tartar on the tooth surface, the simultaneous use of ultrasonic cleaning and mechanical instruments significantly increases the effectiveness. The disadvantage of mechanical cleaning is that it has to be carried out with particular care. If the oral hygienist is not experienced, he or she may damage the enamel with the ultrasonic blade or other instruments. You should therefore go to an experienced oral hygienist.
– Combined methods for professional teeth cleaning.
The combination of several techniques allows you to achieve maximum effect. The complex cleaning procedure is carried out in several stages. First of all, the oral hygienist removes large pieces of tartar with a special tool. The tooth surface is then cleaned using ultrasonic cleaning. Finally, the remaining tartar is removed by a pearly wash (Air Flow soda cleaning). At the same time, the enamel is polished.
The optimal method of tooth cleaning is determined by the oral hygienist, based on the patient’s oral condition and the type of dental treatment the patient wants. The cost of the procedures may vary depending on the complexity of the manipulation and the method chosen. However, in general, the price of the service is fixed in the price list of dental clinics.
The stages of a professional oral hygiene procedure are as follows:
- The dentist assesses the condition of the teeth and gums and determines the presence and extent of tartar. During the visit, the dentist will determine the most appropriate method for cleaning the teeth.
- In some cases, a superficial anaesthetic is used for a less painful procedure.
- To determine the boundaries of tartar, the doctor may use special diagnostic methods – lime solutions, other indicators and dental instruments.
- Dental plaque is removed mechanically or by Air Flow. The doctor may recommend a combination of treatments. Pigment on the tooth is removed gently so as not to damage the tooth enamel. In Air Flow, a mixture of air, water and baking soda is jetted onto the teeth. The device allows the pressure to be adjusted, reducing the impact on sensitive areas of the mouth.
- Ultrasonic equipment (schematic) is used to remove tartar. The ultrasonic action breaks down the tartar into small fragments which can be easily removed from the enamel surface. The scaler can also be used to clean hard-to-reach areas.
- Dental hygiene is not necessary in all cases. It is only necessary if there is a build-up of deposits under the gums. If the gum pockets are very small, ultrasonic cleaning is sufficient. If the pockets are very deep, special hand instruments are needed.
- After the tartar has been removed, the tooth surface is treated. Unevenness makes it difficult to maintain proper hygiene, so the dentist will smooth it out. This is done by polishing
- Polishing is carried out using a special paste. This procedure removes micro-blemishes in the enamel.
- Enamel polishing makes the enamel smooth.
- Fluoride varnish is used to strengthen the enamel after the teeth have been cleaned by an oral hygienist. This procedure helps to strengthen the enamel and prevents tartar formation.
Important: for two hours after the procedure, do not eat coloured foods (blueberries, beetroot, coffee, black tea and red wine).
Professional teeth cleaning is necessary in the following cases:
- If plaque, tooth pigment or tartar builds up on the enamel. It is very difficult to remove at home. If the problem is ignored, there is a high risk that it can lead to cavities (caries) or gingivitis.
- People who regularly drink black tea, coffee or smoke are advised to have their teeth cleaned by a dentist to prevent discolouration of the enamel. Just take a look at the ‘teeth before and after cleaning’ picture to see how noticeable the difference is. This service is not only relevant for politicians, artists, presenters and other public figures, but also for ordinary people who care about their appearance.
- If you have dentures in your mouth. Professional cleaning of metal-ceramic crowns, implants and dentures removes plaque and tartar and prevents complications.
- In some cases, teeth cleaning under anaesthesia is recommended. The procedure reduces discomfort.
- After the removal of the calculus, the doctor has a better overview of the caries lesions.
- The procedure removes a factor that causes soft tissue inflammation, which is important before surgical interventions.
Professional teeth cleaning by an oral hygienist is not performed or should be delayed if the patient has:
- Acute signs of respiratory disease or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
- Dental disease or signs of acute respiratory or inflammatory symptoms in the oral cavity.
- Severe cardiac disease, arrhythmia and pacemaker implantation.
The list of contraindications to professional tooth brushing is relative and not exhaustive. If you have a chronic medical condition, always check with your family doctor before visiting the dentist whether the procedure is possible. As a rule, an experienced dentist will be able to recommend a safe method of cleaning after checking for any contraindications.
Professional oral hygiene care takes different lengths of time for different patients. The length of the treatment depends on the sequence of procedures, which the dentist will determine for each individual case. For example, in the absence of other pathologies and soft deposits, the cleaning of the enamel will take about half an hour. Further cleaning of the gingival pockets will take at least an hour.
Professional cleaning should be done at least once every six months. It is best to combine the procedure with regular, scheduled visits to the dentist. Your dentist will not only assess the health of your mouth, but will also clean your teeth.
Regular oral hygiene should be performed at home. It is not possible to remove plaque completely, but it is possible to reduce the amount of plaque that builds up. Proper brushing twice a day and flossing after every meal is recommended.
You can find out more about the dental cleaning procedure at our clinic, the associated services and tartar prevention during a personal visit to the dentist. We are happy to help!