Childern’s treatment

We will be glad to provide dental care services for your children. Keeping beautiful smile of your children from early ages will help to avoid serious issue and more expensive treatment later-on. We strongly recommend that you register for the first visit before the emergence of any problems, because in some cases, to assist in the later stages can be more painful or even impossible.


Dentistry (fillings)

We will be happy to fix any problems with your teeth, like removing tooth tartar and providing high professional tooth decay cure. The treatment plan will be already created at the first visit!



We carry out simple surgical procedures. For example autopsy abscess, tooth extraction and apicoectomy. Our doctor worked for three years in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery.


Treatment of tooth root canals with microscope

Nowadays the microscope is used in all areas of dentistry – from the installation of dental fillings till any complex surgical intervention. Nevertheless, most often usage of microscope, is during the need of retreatment for tooth root canals. The microscope allows you to find additional channels, which, if left untreated, causes inflammation. Dental treatment with the microscope allows the usage of a drill with minimal removal of tooth structure. Practice shows that the cavities for filling are 3-5 times smaller by volume in comparison to the drill without usage of microscope. Dental microscope has become indispensable for carrying out a high-quality dental treatment and provides most precise diagnosis.



Prosthetics today has become an important part of maintaining a smile aesthetics. This is due to the invention of new materials that are currently used in conducting aesthetic restorations, which makes your smile a natural and beautiful!



The implant will replace your missing tooth. The procedure consists of two steps, first step is to install an artificial root in a jaw, and as a second step after three months we set a crown (temporary and then permanent). Sometimes the bone is too small to accommodate the implant. In this case, before the installation of an implant we must carry out the operation for increasing bone volume.